I love to work together on assignments so please get in contact. I am also in search for a suiting agent and a gallerist who wants to work with me on our career.
"Ask me to do what I know or choose to grow."
Clients include Apartamento/ Bloomberg/ Christie's/ DuMagazine/ Financial Times/ Greenpeace/ Julidans/ KesselsKramer/ Liberation/ Marcel Barlag/ Monocle/ Monopol/ NEON/ NRC/ NYTimes/ Parool/ SZ magazine/ The Guardian/ Volkskrant/ Wallpaper/ Vandejong/ Wire/ Wired/ Zeeuws Museum
Dutch fairytale series used for ING bank Netherlands in 50% of their office shown at least 250 cm high, sometimes 650 cm wide

Julidans campaigns 2017-2019 icw VanLennep for Julidans

Corporate identity and campaign images for Zeeuws Museum

For Keeps. For NDSM stichting

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno

photo by emilio moreno
It's like a jungle sometimes. For 400 year dutch/us relations, shown in City Museum NY

All of a sudden it all made sense. series for FOAM magazine

Foodwaste painting. For OOG, Rijksmuseum magazine

Fete de la musique for Liberation newspaper

Luxury for Kilimanjaro magazine icw Olu Michael Odukoya

Zurich Opera House for DuMagazin icw Lars Willumeit

Rob Scholte, artist, for VK magazine

Amateurs for The Amateurs

Campaign cultural capital Europe icw KesselsKramer for Brabant

Still life based on an old painting about hunting by Prado Peeters.
Why? Because Volkskrant asked me and I was upset by the harm done to animals. Published in VK and shown in several places.

Rijksmuseum collection. For NRC newspaper

Neanderthal story for NYTimes. Icw Gibraltar museum and Kennis&Kennis Reconstructions

Theo Janssen for NYTimes magazine

Rik, Marieke and Ira for the latter. Image later abused by MOTI museum as poster campaign

What we can learn from animals, hanging around for VK Sir Edmund

Charles Foster interview, living like a badger for VK Sir Edmund

Erwin Wurm for Art Review

Cover opening cultural season VK V magazine

Cover about Drunkeness for VK V magazine

Cover IDFA special for VK V magazine

Cover opening cultural season for VK newspaper

Max Siedentopf at Kesselskramer for VK magazine

The Swamp for Down the rabbit hole festival
Vandejong office images for some obese magazine

Campaign for Amsterdamse Bosfestival. Mole and water nymph were never used because festival stopped. Suit made by Denise Collignon

The new forest is coming. Campaign icw KesselsKramer for Wunderbaum, theater group

Irma Boom, Heerenhuis, BULO, Piet Oudolf, Thijmen&Olivier, Richard Hutten, Studio DRIFT, Max, Scholtens&Baijings, Ted Noten. All for Wallpaper

Nomads, living off grid. VK magazine

Jordan Wolfson for MONOPOL

SON LUX for Liberation newspaper

Harry and Joris for Harris Blondman

De Breek for De Breek promo shoot

Made for an exhibition at GRID photo festival

Ronnie Flex and friend for VK magazine

Cabinets of pleasure for Das Magazin

Corps Parfait for Courier International

Wim Delvoye for Christie's magazine

-What if you do not know how common things work?- for The Correspondent

Bikeshedding for Bloomberg

Tom Trago for Tom Trago
Bruxelles gallerists for Art Review

Interiors for Volkskrant magazine

Scholten/ Baijings for SZ magazine

ROBEY shoes campaign and inshop imagery for Rufus Ketting