The booklaunch of Flipping The Bird will take place at FOAM editions, keizersgracht 609 in Amsterdam.
9th of june from 18.00-20.00 with the surprise act of -hopefully- a live performance of the movie Flipping The Bird.
The book can be bought live for the first time at this event. FOAM and myself created an affordable edition print (20x30 cm). Book and print with the image of the pissed off swan can be bought for a whopping €150. You can order the book directly through fw:books from the beginning of june for €25 or a book with the -Hedgehog offering Peace- print for €50.
There is ofcourse also the possibility to order a print of a selection of images from the book. This money will be used for publishing my next book with Luke Stephenson and a revised version of Oma Toos and OPAOPA.
There is also the option of a 35x50 cm print, edition 50, digital c-print, for €350. Or a larger museum version of the work below of 120x150 cm, edition 5 for €5000.
Flip me a mail if anything is unclear.
DANKJEWEL! U ontvangt zsm een antwoord

Some pages from the book